Tuesday, August 13, 2013

257.8 lbs (78 days until PT test)

Signed up for my PT test today (30 OCT @ 0700).  That means 78 more days to rehab my knee and get back to where I need to be to pass my PT test and hopefully get another 90%.  I'm always happy to just pass but I'm always shooting for the 90.  Arms are a little sore from yesterday's workout which is good.  I had another good workout today.  I'm trying to focus on form and really working the targeted muscle.  And that means less weight so I don't cheat myself out of a "quality" workout.  So far, so good.


Daily: 5.34 mi
Weekly: 10.5 mi
Monthly: 32.25 mi
Yearly: 537.26 mi
(AM) - Jogging/walking (65 min)
(PM) - Weights (2 sets 10-12 reps, 1 set to failure)
- Bench Press
- Incline Flyes
- Seated DB Press
- DB Side Laterals
- Tricep Extensions
- Bench Dips
(PM) - Elliptical (30 min) Track (5 min cool down)

Monday, August 12, 2013


I am starting a new workout program this week (http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/lee-labrada-12-week-lean-body-trainer-intro.html).  I'm excited about it because I think it's more realistic and not super boring.  That's a huge thing for me when it comes to lifting weights is keeping motivated and interested in the program.  Fingers crossed that I will stick with it.  The knee is coming along fine.  I'm starting to run more and more every day and that makes me happy.  Until next time...

(AM) - Jogging/walking (65 min)
(PM) - Weights (2 sets 10-12 reps, 1 set to failure)
- Bent over DB Row
- Underhand Pull Ups
- Standing BB Curl
- Alt. DB Curl
(PM) - Elliptical (30 min) Track (5 min cool down)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

260.8 lbs

Decided to take the afternoon off to give my body a rest.  The knee is still feeling good for the moment.  Next week I will try and do a little more with it.  I also found a good weight program that I'm going to follow for the next 12 weeks.  Nothing overly strenuous but looks like a good program.  I guess we'll see.  Until next time...

Daily: 4.53 mi
Weekly: 14.55 mi
Monthly: 16.68 mi
Yearly: 521.69 mi
(AM) - Jogging/walking (65 mins)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

261.8 lbs

Another good day and hopefully another day closer to being able to run like before.  Just taking it one day at a time and being grateful that I can do what I'm doing right now.  It's the little triumphs that I'm focusing on.  Second day of lifting and I'm feeling it.  Supplementing with the elliptical really helps getting in more cardio that's very low impact on my knee.  The only thing now is to keep it up! 

Daily: 4.89 mi
Weekly: 10.01 mi
Monthly: 12.15 mi
Yearly: 517.15 mi
(AM) - Jogging/walking (60 mins)
(PM) - Weights
            Elliptical (35 mins)

Monday, August 5, 2013

A little jogging

Today is the first day I've actually did a little running since I tweaked my knee a couple weeks ago.  It felt a little awkward because I'm still favoring that knee so much but I did 60 minutes on the track and jogged the straight-a-ways and walked the curves.  It's a start.  This afternoon I lifted and did the elliptical for 30 minutes.  I worked up a pretty good sweat on the elliptical and it wasn't too hard on my knee.  I will continue this routine until I'm back up and running like before.  I think I burned my 1000 calories today but I over ate at dinner.  I just LOVE tacos!  Better luck tomorrow.

Weekly: 5.2 mi
Monthly: 7.25 mi
Yearly: 512.26 mi
(AM) - Jogging/walking (60 mins)
(PM) - Weights
            Elliptical (35 mins)

Monday, July 22, 2013

Week 2: Day 1

Very frustrating day work wise.  Glad it's over with.  Sometimes the Air Force pisses me off with their inability to keep records correctly.  Hopefully I can get everything taken care of.  It's bed time and time to forget about this day.

STATS: Weekly: 5.4 mi
Monthly: 52.12 mi
Yearly: 499.83 mi
(AM) - Cross training (I didn't cross train, I ran) 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Week 1: Day 6

My "long" run is in the books along with my first week.  Tomorrow is a rest day which I'm looking forward to.  I am looking to improve with my running (quality miles not just going through the motions) along with my nutrition (quit eating crap calories!).  I've got a long way to go and October is right around the corner.  I need to get more focused and put in some good fitness weeks coming up.


Weekly: 23.98 mi
Monthly: 46.71 mi
Yearly: 494.43 mi
(AM) - Long Run (6 mi)